Najveći svetski stručnjak pomaže Srbiji u dualnom obrazovanju

Vojislav Milovanović аватар

Vodeći svjetski stručnjak za dualno obrazovanje, prof. dr. Ursula Renold, preuzela je strateško vođstvo nad jačim uključivanjem privrede Srbije u obrazovanje mladih. Ovaj korak dogovoren je na sastanku između predsjednika Privredne komore Srbije (PKS) Marka Čadeža i Ursule Renold u Beogradu. Raspravljalo se o reorganizaciji uloge PKS i njenih 16 regionalnih komora u jačanju dualnog obrazovanja u skladu s potrebama kompanija.

Prof. dr. Ursula Renold, a Swiss expert in vocational education and training, agrees to lead strategic efforts to involve Serbian businesses more closely in educating young people. This was announced by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS).

The agreement was reached at a meeting between CCIS President Marko Čadež and Ursula Renold in Belgrade, where they also discussed the reorganization of CCIS and its 16 regional chambers across Serbia to strengthen dual education in line with corporate requirements.

Renold, a member of the CCIS Council for the Improvement of Education, will help improve the dual education system in Serbia by defining the skills needed by companies, further developing vocational qualifications, improving infrastructure and promoting education-business partnerships.

CCIS President Marko Čadež said that strengthening cooperation with the business sector is crucial for the success of the education system in Serbia.

The dual education system in Serbia, launched in 2016, offers students the opportunity to combine theoretical learning with practical work experience. This system is seen as a key tool for reducing youth unemployment and addressing the skills gap in the labor market.

The partnership between the CCIS and Ursula Renold is expected to provide new impetus for improving the dual education system in Serbia and promoting closer ties between the business community and educational institutions.

Ursula Renold, a renowned expert in the field of traditional education in Switzerland, has extensive experience in shaping the dual education system and working with various stakeholders to ensure successful implementation.

The agreement between the CCIS and Ursula Renold is seen as a positive step towards improving vocational education in Serbia and ensuring that young people are equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the modern labor market.

The involvement of the business sector in shaping the education system is crucial for meeting the needs of employers and ensuring that students are prepared for the demands of the workplace.

CCIS and Ursula Renold will work closely together to identify key areas for improvement in the dual education system and develop targeted initiatives to address these challenges.

The partnership between the CCIS and Ursula Renold is expected to bring new ideas and perspectives to the table, leading to innovative solutions for enhancing vocational education in Serbia.

The successful implementation of the dual education system in Serbia will ultimately benefit students, businesses, and the economy as a whole by ensuring that young people are equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the labor market.

Ultimately, the goal of the partnership between the CCIS and Ursula Renold is to create a more sustainable and efficient vocational education system in Serbia that meets the needs of both students and businesses and contributes to the overall economic development of the country.

In conclusion, the partnership between the CCIS and Ursula Renold is a positive step towards strengthening dual education in Serbia and ensuring that young people have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the modern labor market. This collaboration will bring new ideas and perspectives to the table, leading to innovative solutions for improving vocational education in Serbia.

Vojislav Milovanović аватар

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