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Luka Stojanović аватар

Košarkaški klub Crvena zvezda igra polufinale Kupa Radivoja Koraća protiv ekipe Čačka 94, te trenutno vodi s 35:23 nakon prvih 20 minuta igre. U ovom meču, branitelj trofeja otvorio je igru s trojkom Nedovića za početno vođstvo 3:0, ali zatim Čačani preuzimaju inicijativu vodeći 7:3. Unatoč dobrim pokušajima Zvezde za preokret, Čačani su uspjeli zadržati prednost. Ipak, ulazak Teodosića pokreće Zvezdu te se rezultat izjednačuje na kraju prve četvrtine (15:15). U drugoj četvrtini, Luka Mitrović s osam uzastopnih poena vratio je inicijativu Zvezdi i ponovno ih doveo u vodstvo 23:19. Međutim, Borac je uspio održati korak sa favoriziranim protivnikom, te su Crvena zvezda na poluvremenu ipak stekli dvocifrenu prednost od 35:23.

This summary provides a brief overview of a basketball match between the Red Star and the team Cacak 94, which has taken place as part of the Kup Radivoja Koraca tournament. The Red Star currently leads with a score of 35:23 after the first 20 minutes of the game. The match began with a three-pointer from Nedovic, giving the defending champions a 3:0 lead. However, the team from Cacak quickly took control, leading 7:3. Despite some efforts from the Red Star to turn the game around, the team from Cacak managed to maintain their lead. The entry of Teodosic revitalised Red Star, leading to an equalised score at the end of the first quarter (15:15). In the second quarter, Luka Mitrovic scored eight consecutive points, putting Red Star back in the lead at 23:19. However, Cacak managed to keep up with the favoured opponent, and at halftime, Red Star had a double-digit lead of 35:23.

From this summary, it is clear that the match has been a competitive one, with both teams showing moments of strength and dominance. The Red Star has managed to take the lead, but Cacak has also shown resilience and determination to keep up with the defending champions. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the match unfolds, and if the Red Star can maintain their lead or if Cacak will make a comeback. The Kup Radivoja Koraca tournament continues to showcase exciting basketball matches, and fans can look forward to more thrilling games in the future.

Luka Stojanović аватар

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