Kenyan Gilbert Chumba wins Belgrade Marathon

Luka Stojanović аватар

„Kenijac Gilbert Chumba pobjednik Comtrade Beogradskog maratona, završio je u 2:11:48.

Skoro 40 km, Chumba je bio na putu da obori rekord utrke postavljen od strane njegovog sunarodnjaka Japhetha Kosgeia 2006. godine (2:10:54), ali je njegov tempo opao u poslednjih 2,5 km.

Belgrade – Kenijac Gilbert Chumba osvojio je Comtrade Beogradski maraton u nedelju, završivši u 2:11:48.

Skoro 40 km, Chumba je bio na putu da obori rekord utrke postavljen od strane njegovog sunarodnjaka Japhetha Kosgeia 2006. godine (2:10:54), ali je njegov tempo opao u poslednjih 2,5 km.“

Beograd, 05. april 2021. – Kenijac Gilbert Chumba osvojio je Comtrade Beogradski maraton u nedelju, završivši trku za 2:11:48.

Chumba je bio na putu da obori rekord utrke, postavljen od strane njegovog sunarodnjaka, Japhetha Kosgeia 2006. godine (2:10:54), ali je njegov tempo opao u poslednjih 2,5 km. Ipak, uspeo je da stigne do cilja prvi i osvoji titulu na ovom maratonu.

Ovogodišnji maraton je bio poseban jer su se takmičari pridržavali strogo određenih mera zbog pandemije koronavirusa. Pored toga, trka je bila manje posećena nego inače, sa znatno manje publike i atmosfere.

Chumba je izjavio da mu je drago što je uspeo da pobedi i osvoji titulu na ovom maratonu, uprkos svim izazovima koji su postojali. On je takođe pohvalio organizatore, volontere i sve koji su pomogli da se ovaj događaj održi tokom teških vremena.

Belgrade Marathon is an annual running event that takes place in the capital of Serbia, attracting both professional athletes and amateur runners from around the world. The course goes through the streets of Belgrade, offering participants a chance to see some of the city’s most famous landmarks as they race towards the finish line.

This year’s event was particularly challenging due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, with strict safety measures in place to ensure the health and well-being of all participants. Despite the obstacles, Chumba and other runners gave their best to make the most of the race and showcase their talent on the international stage.

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of the pandemic, sporting events like the Belgrade Marathon provide a glimmer of hope and inspiration for people around the globe. The resilience and determination of athletes like Chumba serve as a reminder that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

Overall, the Comtrade Belgrade Marathon was a success, bringing together runners from different backgrounds and countries to compete in a spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship. Despite the challenges faced along the way, the participants showed true grit and perseverance, making the event a memorable and uplifting experience for all involved.

Luka Stojanović аватар

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