ODLUKA JE DONETA: Od naredne sezone kreću nova ulaganja

Luka Stojanović аватар

Fudbalski klub TSC iz Bačke Topole pre deset godina bio je u četvrtom rangu srpskog klupskog fudbala, a danas je u grupnoj fazi Evro kupova. Zahvaljujući studioznom radu, ulaganjima i razvoju infrastrukture, TSC se smatra trećim klubom u Srbiji, sa tendencijom daljeg razvoja. Planovi za budućnost uključuju ulaganja u žensku ekipu TSC-a iz Kanjiže. Ekipa TSC-a iz Kanjiže osnovana je 2012. godine, a od sezone 2020/21 su redovni članovi elitnog ranga srpskog ženskog klupskog fudbala. Sa šest pobeda, četiri remija i devet poraza, ostvarili su 22 boda i obezbedili opstanak u eliti. U poslednjoj utakmici sezone gostovaće u Kragujevcu protiv ekipe ŽFK Radničkog 1923. Club TSC is a Serbian football club from Bačka Topola, which, exactly a decade ago, were members of the fourth tier of Serbian club football, and in the current season they represented Serbia in the group stage of European cup competitions.

Through dedicated work, investments, and infrastructure development, the team from Bačka Topola has reached a position where many already consider them the third club in Serbia, with a tendency towards further development, which in the years to come could also lead to TSC becoming a contender for the championship title.

However, the agile management does not want to stop there and already big plans are being made for the future.

Namely, as Janoš Žemberi stated, TSC will start investing in the women’s team of TSC from Kanjiža from the next season.

Already a meeting has been scheduled to take place by the end of May, after which the further aspirations of the women’s team will be known.

The team from Kanjiža was founded in 2012, and from the 2020/21 season onwards, they have been regular members of the elite Serbian women’s club football tier. In the 2023/24 competition year, they did not manage to secure a place in the play-off phase, but even one round before the end of the league competition, they are not fearful of relegation in the company of the best.

With a score of six wins, four draws, and nine losses and a total of 22 points, they are ahead of Novi Sad’s Vojvodina and Niš’s Mašinac, so they will be part of the elite from next autumn as well, but with certain higher ambitions, which can only lead to the development of women’s football in Serbia.

It should be reminded that the TSC team will play their final match of the season in Kragujevac, where they will meet the team of ŽFK Radnički 1923, but the mentioned match will have no significant impact.


Luka Stojanović аватар