Pozivamo sve mlade naučnice u Srbiji da se prijave

Vojislav Milovanović аватар

L’Oreal – UNESCO program „For Women in Science“ invites young female scientists in Serbia to apply for the 14th consecutive competition for these prestigious awards. The awards will be presented on the occasion of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which is celebrated on February 11th. The organizers, including L’Oreal Balkans, the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation, and the National Commission for UNESCO, state that the cycle of the National Program „For Women in Science“ is open until March 31st. It is intended for young female scientists in Serbia, up to 35 years of age, who have enrolled or completed doctoral or postdoctoral studies in the field of natural sciences.

„The most talented young female scientists will be awarded with recognitions and financial support in the amount of 5,000 euros each, intended for the realization of their significant scientific research. The National „For Women in Science“ awards represent support for their further professional development and encouragement to continue their work in science in Serbia“, stated in the announcement.

The complete content of the news is available to Tanjug service users.

Vojislav Milovanović аватар

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