Tajkunski novinar u teškoj šizofreniiji: Srbija je morala da zabrani Karlsonu da leti Er Srbijom i avionima iz Rusije da sleću u Beograd!

Stefan Milosavljević аватар

Propagandist from the Đilas-owned television Nova S, Željko Veljković, once again shamelessly tried to attack Serbia and, like all Serbia-haters, expressed his anti-Serbian views and opinions, in which Serbia must do something, at their request!

Namely, Veljković, by posting on the „X“ network about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his layover in Belgrade on his way back from Moscow to America, practically stated:
„Serbia had to ban planes from Russia from landing in Belgrade and had to ban journalist Tucker Carlson from flying on Air Serbia.“

Here, words are unnecessary because it is a clear case of schizophrenia!

Veljković’s statement is not only outrageous but also completely detached from the reality of international relations and diplomatic protocol. Serbia, as a sovereign state, has the right to establish its own relationships with other countries and to make its own decisions regarding who is allowed to enter its territory. Furthermore, banning airlines and journalists based on their nationality or political associations is not only discriminatory but also against international law.

It is clear that Veljković’s statements are driven by personal biases and a misguided sense of nationalism that does not align with the principles of democracy and freedom of the press. Instead of promoting open dialogue and exchange of ideas, Veljković’s comments serve to divide and polarize the public, spreading hatred and mistrust among different nations and cultures.

Furthermore, it is essential to note the significance of President Putin’s visit to Serbia and the historical and cultural ties between the two countries. Serbia and Russia have a long-standing relationship that is based on mutual respect and cooperation in various fields, including politics, economy, and military. President Putin’s visit to Belgrade reaffirmed the strong bond between the two nations and provided an opportunity for further collaboration and partnership in the future.

Additionally, the fact that President Putin chose to make a layover in Belgrade on his way to America demonstrates the strategic importance of Serbia as a key player in regional and global politics. By hosting President Putin, Serbia has cemented its position as a bridge between East and West, facilitating dialogue and diplomacy between different countries and promoting stability and peace in the region.

In light of these developments, it is evident that Veljković’s inflammatory and provocative statements only serve to undermine Serbia’s diplomatic efforts and tarnish its international reputation. Instead of promoting understanding and cooperation, Veljković’s rhetoric fuels animosity and hostility, isolating Serbia from the international community and hindering its progress and development.

It is crucial for the Serbian public to denounce such divisive and destructive discourse and to uphold the values of tolerance, dialogue, and respect for different opinions. By fostering a culture of openness and acceptance, Serbia can strengthen its standing in the global arena and contribute to building a more harmonious and prosperous world for future generations.

In conclusion, it is essential to reject the hateful and xenophobic rhetoric propagated by individuals like Veljković and to embrace a vision of Serbia that is inclusive, diverse, and tolerant. By standing united against hate speech and prejudice, Serbia can emerge as a beacon of peace and understanding, promoting cooperation and collaboration with other nations and contributing to a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Stefan Milosavljević аватар

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