Urađena prva UGRADNJA VEŠTAČKOG ZALISTKA na srcu na Dedinju

Stefan Milosavljević аватар

Institut Dedinje in Serbia made history by setting new standards in cardiology practice – the first successful implantation of an artificial valve on the right side of the heart muscle. This revolutionary procedure promises new hope for all patients with tricuspid regurgitation problems, especially for those who would not tolerate traditional open heart surgeries.

Dr. Mihajlo Farkić, the head of the Center for Structural Heart Disease at the Dedinje Institute, explained the procedure and the significance of this medical achievement in an interview on K1 TV.

According to him, each patient receives two valves made of a special metal known as nitinol, which has memory capabilities. These valves are carefully sewn onto the heart manually.

„This valve separates the right atrium and right ventricle. In case it starts leaking, blood is returned from the right ventricle to the right atrium, which is not normal in healthy people. This causes an increase in pressure in the venous system, indirectly leading to discomfort in the patient. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, leg swelling, digestive problems, arrhythmias, and swollen neck veins. These symptoms, after a certain natural course of the disease, become unbearable, and the swellings become huge. Wounds open,“ said the doctor, emphasizing the need for such a procedure for patients older than 70 years or those with advanced disease and no other treatment options available.

He also mentioned that their surgeons successfully perform interventions on the tricuspid valve and in cases of additional heart problems or the need for bypass or treatment of another valve, the problem of tricuspid regurgitation is also solved. However, there are a certain number of patients who are not candidates for this type of surgery due to age or health problems. This procedure is recommended for those who have advanced disease and when other treatment options are not available.

The valves are placed in the lower and upper vena cava to prevent blood from returning from the right atrium to the ventricle, thereby reducing pressure in the venous system. This procedure reduces swelling, improves digestion, and more.

The Institute received the first set of valves as a donation from a German company that manufactures these valves. They have the expertise to carry out the procedure and are now exploring other methods of treating tricuspid regurgitation to be able to begin treatment for all patients on the waiting list.

Dr. Farkić explained that this natural disease on the tricuspid valve often has a long course and is usually accidentally discovered when patients experience problems with the valves on the left side of the heart. For patients not suitable for cardiac surgery due to lack of indications or high risk, this method is used, where two valves are placed to significantly improve their health.

The doctor concluded by saying that this is the first registered product in Serbia and the first intervention for tricuspid regurgitation in the country’s history. The operation lasts about an hour, during which the patient remains awake and the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After the operation, changes are immediately visible.

This groundbreaking achievement and the potential for improving the lives of patients with tricuspid regurgitation is significant in the field of cardiology, not only in Serbia but also internationally. It is a promising development that provides new options and hope for individuals with heart conditions, particularly those who cannot undergo traditional surgery.

Stefan Milosavljević аватар

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